Sexual abuse can affect anyone. Victims can be women, men and children. Filing a civil lawsuit for sexual abuse can be a difficult decision to make, but sometimes it is the only way to bring closure and justice to the victim. These types of cases require the expertise to vigorously pursue the attacker and/or other responsible parties such as the institutions that failed to safeguard the victims, as well as the compassion to treat victims with the care, respect and delicacy they deserve. Bass Law has the experience you need to ensure your legal rights are protected and your injuries are fully and fairly compensated if you or a loved one has been the victim of sexual abuse.
Types of Sexual-Abuse Cases
There are three common types of sexual-abuse cases. Sexual abuse due to negligent security cases include sexual assaults due to inadequate security at hotels, apartment complexes, parking garages and parking lots. Sexual abuse against children cases are often brought against coaches, teachers, clergy members, acquaintances, care givers and other trusted individuals, as well as the organizations that employ them. Sexual abuse by professionals and authorities include cases against doctors, nurses, therapists and governmental officials who use their positions to abuse their victims.
Evidence in Sexual-Abuse Cases
If you or a loved one has been the victim of sexual abuse, Bass Law will work diligently to gather the evidence to prove your case. Because there is often also a criminal case against the perpetrator, it is critical that we obtain the criminal case file as well as other investigatory materials. Additionally, as sexual abuse of a minor often is not reported for several years, it is important that we work closely with your mental health providers to identify the long-term effects and care needed for your recovery and to ensure that the emotional injuries are well documented.
Damages in Sexual-Abuse Cases
The damages from sexual abuse can be physical, emotional and psychological, and the effects can be long-lasting. Survivors of sexual abuse typically suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”), anxiety and depression. Additionally, survivors of sexual abuse may develop drug or alcohol dependency, engage in high-risk behavior, develop self-mutilation tendencies or attempt suicide. In our experience, the act of bringing a civil claim for sexual abuse empowers the survivor and is often a positive step in the healing process. Although no amount of money can truly compensate a sexual abuse survivor for his or her injuries, obtaining a recovery or judgment against the attacker and any other responsible parties will provide the resources necessary for healing and bring some closure as the survivor seeks to move forward and rebuild his or her life.
When you hire Bass Law, you can ensure your legal rights are protected while relying on an experienced and compassionate Savannah sexual-abuse attorney to represent you. Because we work on a contingency basis, your legal fees and litigation costs are paid out of your recovery. You only pay if we win! At Bass Law, we are motivated to recover the best result for you in the most efficient and effective way possible. Give us a call today to schedule a free, confidential consultation.